L.I.-W.A.L.T.- write a report about a Life Cycle Of A Frog.
Success Criteria: I know I am successful when I write it sentence.
Frogs are not animals. Frogs and tadpole are not creatures. Frogs and toads are Amphibians. Small frogs are usually called tadpole because they haven't grow yet. Frogs lives in wet places like ponds, waters.
The mummy lays her eggs at the pond. One day it hatches from the pond and turn into tadpoles. Their it has long tail and two feet. The frog haves smooth slimy skin. It has feet and a long tail.
Frogs are Amphibians and toads. Frogs catch flies with their tongue. They shrink their tails because their getting older enough. Frogs lays their eggs at ponds not like oceans because the river flows away the eggs.

The mummy lays her eggs at the pond. One day it hatches from the pond and turn into tadpoles. Their it has long tail and two feet. The frog haves smooth slimy skin. It has feet and a long tail.
Frogs are Amphibians and toads. Frogs catch flies with their tongue. They shrink their tails because their getting older enough. Frogs lays their eggs at ponds not like oceans because the river flows away the eggs.

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