Friday, 8 July 2016

Carrot cake is healthy.

Learning Intention- We are learning to- write an argument. about if carrot cake is healthy.
Success Criteria: I know I could do this if I write an argument  if carrot cake is healthy.
                           Carrot Cake is healthy
I partly disagree that carrot cake makes us strong because it has lots of carrots and its healthy. I like carrots because it make your muscles strong. Carrot cake is healthy because it has vitamins. I like it because it makes me feel happy. I like Carrot cake because it gives you energy.

I partly disagree that carrot cake is healthy because it will make us grow up strong and it will make your eyes better. Carrot cake is partly healthy to me because it dehydrated. Carrot cake is partly healthy to me because it has lots of my favourite things in it. Carrot cake is partly healthy because it makes you feel low sugar. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The Surprise healthy food by Moonia

       The Surprise healthy food lunch        
              The chefs and the two doctors.
L.I.- W.A.L.T..... write a recount using descriptive languages.
Success Criteria- I know I can do it when I can use descriptive words in my story about the surprise healthy food lunch . 

   The sandwich is yummy!!!!!
Yesterday the 11th of May, some chefs  came to our school to give us free lunch. They gave us healthy sandwiches and fruit salad. We also got an oat cookie dipped in chocolate. We said thank you to the chefs.

The sandwich had a crunchy celery, mayonnaise and ham. The fruit salad cup was a mixture of different kinds of fruits like mandarin, pineapple, grapes, melon, peach jam and yoghurt. It was really healthy! The oat cookie was soft and nice and sweet.

When the bell rang we put our chrome books away and said our prayers. We got our free healthy lunch and started eating. It was delicious! 

Image result for celery mayonnaise sandwiches

Image result for fruit salad

Image result for fruit salad